
Pengumuman Hasil Verifikasi dan Rapat Penyesuaian UKT Tahun 2017

[:en] Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb Notified based on the verification and meeting of UKT (Single Tuition Fee) determination of UIN Walisongo Semarang, the amount of UKT adjustment for the applicant of UKT adjustment can be seen through page by login using their respective username and password . Furthermore, the payment of UKT with the specified […]

STAIN Majene Gandeng UIN Walisongo Tingkatkan Akuntabilitas SDM

[:en] Semarang – State Islamic High School (STAIN) Majene West Sulawesi has been cooperating with Walisongo State Islamic University (UIN) to improve human resource accountability in supporting the tri dharma of the university and the management and utilization of state assets. Cooperation signed by the Rector of UIN Walisongo Prof. Dr. H Muhibbin M.Ag together […]

Tahun 2018, UIN Walisongo Bakal Bangun 8 Gedung Baru

[:en] Semarang – At Early February 2018, the State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo planned will build eight new buildings in campus III, among them; rectorate building, Planetarium, Library and ICT, Integrated Laboratory, Faculty of Syari’ah and Law, Faculty of Social and Politic, and Faculty of Science and technology. It was delivered by Rector of UIN […]

UIN Walisongo Won the Best International Exhibition Stand Award

[:en]Jakarta – Walisongo State Islamic University was awarded as the best stand booth at the International Islamic Education Expo (IIEE) exhibition held by the Ministry of Religious Affairs on Friday (24/11). The award was given directly by Prof. Kamaruddin Amin, Director General of Islamic Education Ministry of Religious Affairs to Drs Haryana MM coordinator of […]

TLB Solo Juarai Piala Sunindyo Cup TSC Saintek Sport

[:en] SEMARANG – Futsal team of TLB Solo succeeded to become the champion in the prestigious event of Futsal Tournament “Cup of Sunindyo Cup” of Central Java, held by Student Activity Unit (UKM) Tarbiyah Sport Club (TSC) together with UKM Saintek Sport UIN Walisongo, Wednesday (22/11). Located in the multipurpose building (GSG) UIN Walisongo at […]

UIN Walisongo Pamerkan Teropong Bintang Tercanggih di Internasional Expo

[:en] Semarang – Walisongo State Islamic University participates in an international exhibition held by Minister of Religious Affairs. The exhibition is the International Islamic Education Expo (IIEE) on 21-24 November 2017. All the hilal determinants from the most advanced to the traditional will be exhibited in the international expo. In addition UIN Walisongo will also […]

Pengumuman Jadwal Ujian dan Lokasi Tes SKB CPNS Kemenag RI 2017 UIN Walisongo

[:en] ANNOUNCEMENT Number:  3875/Un.10.0/B.I/KP.00.1/11/2017   TEST SCHEDULE AND TEST LOCATION of FIELD COMPETENCY SELECTION (SKB) CIVIL SERVANT CANDIDATE (CPNS) MINISTRY OF RELIGION OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA 2017 in UIN WALISONGO SEMARANG   Following up the announcement by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number: P-64509 / […]