
Kasdam IV Diponegoro Ajak Mahasiswa Menjaga Nasionalisme

[:en] Head of regional military unit (Kasdam) IV Diponegoro, Brigadier General Sabrar Fadhilah invited students of the State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo to always keep the country. UIN Walisongo is an institution that plays a very strategic role in efforts to appear the cadres which have international quality, but it must continue to uphold the […]

Penerimaan Santri Baru 2017/2018

[:en] File Download : 471015049_formulir_pendaftaran_santri_2017-2018_wenty.rtf 0.46 MB 587949966_brosur_2.jpeg 0.13 MB [:id] File Download : 471015049_formulir_pendaftaran_santri_2017-2018_wenty.rtf 0.46 MB 587949966_brosur_2.jpeg 0.13 MB [:]

Gus Muwafiq Beri Ceramah Halal Bi Halal UIN Walisongo

[:en] Semarang – Gus muwafiq from Jogjakarta KH Ahmad Muwafiq conveyed tausiyah about Islam Nusantara and history of walisongo which spreading Islam in the archipelago in UIN Walisongo, the event was carried out in the framework of halal bi halal big family UIN Walisongo Semarang. Gus muwafiq said that for a month Allah had given […]

Hasil Seleksi Tahap Akhir Calon Peserta Penulisan Buku Unity of Sciences Th 2017

[:en] ANNOUNCEMENT Number:B-2134/Un.10.0/R/KP.02.3/05/2017     Based on selection of the last stage of candidate participants “Writing Book Unity of Sciences” on IsDB program Year 2017, then determined PARTICIPANTS with details as attached. File Download : 1830539535_pengumuman_seleksi_nominator_penulisan_buku_2017.pdf 0.53 MB [:id] PENGUMUMAN Nomor : B-2134/Un.10.0/R/KP.02.3/05/2017     Berdasarkan seleksi tahap terakhir calon peserta “Penulisan Buku Unity of Sciences” […]