

[:en] Semarang – Commemorating the 3rd Santri day, UIN Walisongo held ceremony on the field campus 1 Monday (23/10). The event was led by Rector of UIN Walisongo, Prof. Dr. H. Muhibbin MAg. The ceremony based on Presidential Decree of Indonesia Republic Number 22, 2015 about Santri Day on October 22 was evidence of state...
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[:id] The Bidding committee for Constructing of eight (8) new buildings and supporting infrastructure of UIN Walisongo, the Support to Development of the Islamic Higher Education Project (IND 164), hereby informs all procurement participant that all of additional information and clarifications regarding the procurement of Constructing of eight (8) new buildings and supporting infrastructure of...
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[:id]UIN Walisongo Online – Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo Semarang mengirimkan 8 dosen untuk melaksanakan workshop penulisan karya ilmiah berstandar internasional ke Khon Kaen University Thailand. Workshop ini dilaksanakan selama 5 hari dari 23-27 Oktober 2017. Dengan diadakannya workshop ini, diharapkan semakin banyak karya ilmiah dari dosen UIN Walisongo yang nangkring dalam jurnal bereputasi. Keberangkatan...
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[:en]Referring to the Rector Decision Number 161, 2016 dated June 1, 2016 on Adjustment Guideline of Single Tuition or UKT of UIN Walisongo Semarang. Hereby announce the single tuition period of in 2017. The implementation procedure is included as attached.[:id]Merujuk Keputusan Rektor Nomor 161 Tahun 2016 tanggal 1 Juni 2016 tentang Pedoman Penyesuaian Uang Kuliah...
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[:en] Semarang – A team of student of Walisongo State Islamic University won second prize of student debate competition in Indonesia 2017. The competition held at IPB Convention Center Bogor on Thursday (28/9) was held in the framework of World Right to Know Day that falls on the same date. The three UIN Walisongo students...
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[:id] SEMARANG – Para guru yang bernaung di bawah Lembaga Pendidikan Nahdlatul Ulama diminta produktif menulis dan mempublikasikan karyanya di jurnal dan media massa. “Kalau guru sudah mulai aktif menulis, maka pendidikan Indonesia akan lebih maju” tegas Ketua Tanfidziyah PCNU Kota Semarang KH Anasom MHum saat membuka Workshop “Guru Nahdlatul Ulama Menulis” di Auditorium MA...
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[:en] Based on the decision of UIN Walisongo leadership summit, announced to all participants on written examination of Bidikmisi UIN Walisongo Semarang in 2017 the names of nominees of Bidikmisi scholarship recipients as attached. File Downoad : 1116009867_nominator_bidikmisi_2017[:id] Berdasarkan keputusan sidang pimpinan UIN Walisongo, diumumkan kepada seluruh peserta ujian tulis Bidikmisi UIN Walisongo Semarang tahun...
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SEMARANG – English, Literature and Education (ELiTE) Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang bekerjasama dengan Regional English  Languange Office (RELO) menggelar konferensi internasional ke lima yang bertujuan untuk menginternasionalkan UIN Walisongo, Rabu (13/09/2017) Acara tersebut  diadakan mulai 12 hingga 16 September 2017 dan diselenggarakan di Hotel Pandanaran Semarang.  Terdapat 19 pembicara yang berasal dari luar negeri...
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[:en] Announcement of Student Writing Test Selection of Bidikmisi Scholarship 2017 Bidikmisi Scholarship  SELEKSI MAHASISWA PENERIMA BEASISWA BIDIKMISI 2017 Number : B.3114/Un.10.0/R1/PP.00.9/09/2017 Based on Data verification result of Bidikmisi registrants  2017, we announce the following students who meet requirements and are eligible to follow Student Writing Test Selection of Bidikmisi Scholarship 2017as attached. File Download : 1660513246_pengumuman_ujian_tulis.pdf 1.32 MB 1500006026_denah_lokasi.pdf 0.09 MB [:id] PENGUMUMAN PESERTA UJIAN TULIS SELEKSI MAHASISWA PENERIMA BEASISWA BIDIKMISI TAHUN 2017 Nomor : B.3114/Un.10.0/R1/PP.00.9/09/2017  ...
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[:id]The Ministry of Religious Affairs has received a financing from the Islamic Development Bank (ISDB) in various currencies towards the cost of the Support to Development of the Islamic Higher Education Project.  It is intended that part of the proceeds of this financing will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for Construction of...
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