Term Of Reference International Conference On Ushuluddin And Humanities Studies (ICONHUMANS)

Semarang, November 7, 2019

The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is one developmental phase in human history that has an impact on religion’s role in society. Religion is no longer confined to a domain of madrassas, mosques, or religious circles for discussion and teaching activity, but also becomes a lively discourse on virtual platforms. Religious narratives and political aspirations for a social change that are expressed and discussed in cyberspace can even drive social and political changes in real life. We can see how platforms like Facebook and Twitter spread the aspirations of change in some Muslim-majority societies. For example, the viral aspirations for change through social media engender social and political changes in Tunis, Egypt, and some other Arab countries starting in the late 2010, which was better known as the Arab Spring.

Another implication of entering religious discourses in the virtual world is the transformation of religious adherents in expressing their beliefs. Religious lectures, sermons, and discussions, for example, take place not only in a certain religious site, community, or gathering. Religious lectures and discourses in the virtual world and social media reach audiences across different places and times and beyond religious communities. All have the same opportunity to have an access to these new ways of religious learning, teaching, and discussion.

A more serious impact of free flowing religious conversations in cyberspace is on the fate of religious authority. The voices and opinions of religious figures who were considered authoritative, such as religious scholars (ʿulamā’), for example, could be criticized and challenged by lay people who have no background in Islamic studies. This is an interesting phenomena. How people who have no religious learning background could challenge and debate the authoritativeness of a religious scholar who undergoes a long and rigorous process in religious learning, ranging from memorizing the Qur’an, mastering Arabic, to being well-versed in several religious sciences. The authority of religious nobles and scholars could be blurred in the free flowing religious discussions in the digital world and replaced by the one who is more rhetorically skillful, stubborn, and persistent in expressing religious voices and opinions.

In this regard, new fields and domains in Islamic studies in its relation with the digital world need to be explored, examined, and discussed further to understand how Islamic studies are shaped by and shaping the contemporary world. For this reason, we will hold an international conference and invite scholars from all of over the world to discuss these issues.

Objectives This conference is aimed to reach such purposes as follows:
Generating theories of islamic and humanities studies on the basis of Islamic perspective through investigation on contemporary issues in disruptive era.
Innovating new model and methods of integrative islamic and humanities studies, which is compatible with the real and true humanity, religiousity, and spirituality in the Islamic perspective.
Promoting the importance and relevance of Islam-inspired human sciences for Islamic awakening for the sake of human civilization.
Building a scientific network among Muslim scholars and universities across Indonesia and the world in working together for disseminating and developing the continuous agenda of “Islamic-Humanities Studies”.
Developing a research center of Islamic-Humanities Studies inspired by Islamic teachings and intellectual-spiritual tradition.
Encouraging Muslim scholars to address existing problems related to the crisis of humanity in contemporary context through world scientific gathering.

The topics of interest to be covered by ICONHUMANS include:
1. Interreligious Relation in Contemporary World
2. Urban Sufism and Spiritual Mobilities
3. Islamic Thought and Contemporary Discourse
4. Moderate Doctrines and Practices in Islam World
5. Digital Media and Religious Etremism
6. Islamic Art and Architecture in Indonesia

Abstract Submission: October 18, 2019
Norification of Accaptence: October 20, 2019
Full Paper Submission: November 1, 2019
Conference: November 7, 2019

Welcoming Speech:
Prof. Dr. Imam Taufiq (Rector of UIN Walisongo Semarang)

1. Prof. Magdy Bahig Behman (Professor on Comparative Religion and Religious Studies, Mennonite University, USA and UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta) *confirmed
2. Dr. Mohd Rormizi Abd Rahman (Head of Department of Theology and Religion Study, USIM, Malaysia) *confirmed
3. Dr. Phil. Claudia Seise (Researcher on Indonesian Religiousscapes, Humbolt University Berlin and Ulu-Ilir-Institute) *confirmed
4. R. Rakyan Adi Brata (Country Director for Indonesia, International Association for Counter terrorism and Security Proffessionals Center for Security Studies) *confirmed
5. Prof. Wang Jing (Deputy Director of Jiangsu Vocational Institute of Architectural Technology, China) *waiting
6. Prof. Abdul Jamil (Professor on Philology and Javanese Islam, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, UIN Walisongo)
7. Prof. Abdullah Hadziq (Professor on Islamic Psycology, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, UIN Walisongo)
8. Prof. Suparman Syukur (Professor on Islamic Thought, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, UIN Walisongo)
9. Prof. Amin Syukur (Professor on Islamic Mysticism, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, UIN Walisongo)
10. Prof. Sri Suhandjati (Professor on Javanese Islam and Literature, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, UIN Walisongo)
11. Prof. Yusuf Suyono (Professor on Islamic Philosophy, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, UIN Walisongo)
12. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mukhsin Jamil (Vice Rector 1, UIN Walisongo, Expert on Islamic Theology and Social Movement)
13. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasyim Muhammad (Dean of Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, UIN Walisongo)

Pandanaran Hotel, Semarang

Registration Fees:

Selected papers will be published on:*
Acredited National Journal Sinta 2 Teologia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keushuluddinan
International Journal Teosofia: Indonesian Journal of Islamic Mysticism, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, Walisongo State Islamic University, Semarang.
International Journal Al-‘Abqari: Journal of Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
*with condition of editorial board review

Steering Commitee
Dr. Hasyim Muhammad (Dean of Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, Walisongo State Islamic University, Semarang)
Dr. Sulaiman (Vice Dean I, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, Walisongo State Islamic University, Semarang)
Rokhmah Ulfah, M.Ag. (Vice Dean II, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, Walisongo State Islamic University, Semarang)
Dr. Safii (Vice Dean III, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, Walisongo State Islamic University, Semarang)

Chairman of The Commitee
Dr. Mohamad Sobirin

Mishbah Khoiruddin Zuhri, M.A.

Organizing Members
Siti Khotimah
Drs. Suratman

Badrul Munir Chair
Luthfi Rahman
Nur Ahmad
Muhammad Faiq
Moh Hadi Subowo
Moh. Syakur
Syariful Anam
Hani’ Rasyidah
Miftahul Khairi
Rina Puji Astuti
Umi Sulistiyatun
Charlin Zuliana

Email: [email protected]
085290166620 (Dr. Mohamad Sobirin)
08995100511 (Badrul Munir Chair)
081226546720 (Misbah Khoiruddin Zuhri)
087749169212 (Luthfi Rahman)

All interested professors, researchers, and scholars from various related backgrounds are cordially invited to contribute papers for presentation to the conference. Abstracts of 250-300 words with a short vita should be submitted to [email protected] by October 18, 2019. Upon acceptance, full papers should be submitted by November 1, 2019.

Further information:
Please visit our website www.iconhumas.walisongo.ac.id. for more detailed information. Should you need further clarification, kindly contact our secretariat at [email protected], Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, Walisongo State Islamic University, Semarang.[:]

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