TLB Solo Juarai Piala Sunindyo Cup TSC Saintek Sport


SEMARANG – Futsal team of TLB Solo succeeded to become the champion in the prestigious event of Futsal Tournament “Cup of Sunindyo Cup” of Central Java, held by Student Activity Unit (UKM) Tarbiyah Sport Club (TSC) together with UKM Saintek Sport UIN Walisongo, Wednesday (22/11).

Located in the multipurpose building (GSG) UIN Walisongo at campus III, TLB solo came out to be the first winner   followed by Berkah FC Kendal in second position, and Cahs Hamas Semarang in third position.

The event entitled “Generating Sportivity to Build Unity Society” lasts for three days from Monday to Monday (20-22 / 11/17).

Chairman of Central Java PABBSI, Mayjend TNI (Ret.) Sunindyo had attended the opening ceremony, he advised that the teams remain sportiv in competing.

“Congratulations to compete, spirit, good luck,” said Sunindyo.

Vice-dean IIII Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK), Wahyudi congratulated and hope to the winners.

“Congratulations to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners, hopefully the future can be even better, and TSC-Sainteks Sport Club are more glorious,” he said.

Dicky Aditya Efendi, the player as well as the official team TLB solo thankful for the results obtained.

“Yes of course we are grateful, thanks to cooperation, effort, and prayer   we can be a winner Thank you for the committee that has welcomed us well, “said Dicky.

Novan Firdaus Maulana, Chairman of TSC said, This activity is annual activity held by UKM TSC and Saintek Sport.

“Every year, we hold futsal tournament, but this year is different because at this tournament is fighting Sunindyo Cup, so it’s more special,” explained the student from Pemalang.

Wahid Rasyid, chairman of the committee explained, this activity aimed to build unity.

“It does not matter who wins and who loses, according to the theme, the purpose of our tournament is to build community unity through sport,” he explained.

Wahid also expressed his thanks and hope about this tournament.

“Thank you for the participants who are willing to participate in this event, and congratulations to the winners,” he added.


SEMARANG – Tim futsal TLB Solo berhasil menjadi juara dalam acara bergengsi Turnamen Futsal “Piala Sunindyo Cup” Se-Jateng yang di adakan Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM)Tarbiyah Sport Club (TSC) bersama dengan UKM Saintek Sport UIN Walisongo, Rabu(22/11).

Bertempat di gedung serba guna (GSG) kampus III UIN Walisongo, TLB solo keluar menjadi juara pertama  disusul Berkah FC Kendal di Posisi kedua, dan dan Cahs Hamas Semarang di posisi ketiga.

Kegiatan yang bertema “Membangkitkan Sportivitas untuk Membangun Persatuan Masyarakat”  ini berlangsung selama tiga hari terhitung sejak senin-rabu(20-22/11/17).

Ketua PABBSI Jawa Tengah, Mayjend TNI (Purn)Sunindyo sempat hadir dalam acara pembukaan, beliau berpesan agar para tim tetap sportiv dalam bersaing.

“Selamat bertanding, semangat, semoga sukses,” jelas Sunindyo.

Wakil Dekan IIII Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan (FITK), Wahyudi memberi ucapan selamat beserta harapannya kepada para pemenang.

“Selamat kepada juara 1, 2, dan 3, semoga kedepannya bisa lebih baik lagi, dan TSC Sainteks Sport lebih jaya,” ungkapnya.

Dicky Aditya Efendi, pemain sekaligus official tim TLB solo bersyukur atas hasil yang didapat.

“Ya tentunya kami bersyukur, berkat kerja sama,usaha,dan doa  kami bisa menjadi juaran Terimakasih buat panitia yang sudah menyambut kami dengan baik,” ungkap Dicky.

Novan Firdaus Maulana, Ketua Umum TSC mengatakan, Kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan setiap tahun yang diakakan oleh UKM TSC dan Saintek Sport.

“Setiap tahun, kami mengadakan acara turnamen futsal,namun pada tahun ini berbeda karena turnamen ini memperebutkan Piala Sunindyo, jadi lebih istimewa,” jelas mahasiswa asal Pemalang ini.

Wahid Rasyid, ketua panitia menjelaskan, kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membangun persatuan.

“Tidak penting siapa yang menang dan siapa yg kalah, sesuai dengan temanya, tujuan kami mengadakan turnamen ini adalah untuk membangun persatuan masyarakat melalui olahraga.” jelasnya.

Wahid juga mengucapkan terimakasih dan haraopannya mengenai turnamen ini.

 “Terimakasih untuk para peserta yang sudah mau ikut serta dalam acara ini, dan selamat kepada para pemenang,” tambahnya.


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