September 13, 2017


[:en] Announcement of Student Writing Test Selection of Bidikmisi Scholarship 2017 Bidikmisi Scholarship  SELEKSI MAHASISWA PENERIMA BEASISWA BIDIKMISI 2017 Number : B.3114/Un.10.0/R1/PP.00.9/09/2017 Based on Data verification result of Bidikmisi registrants  2017, we announce the following students who meet requirements and are eligible to follow Student Writing Test Selection of Bidikmisi Scholarship 2017as attached. File Download : 1660513246_pengumuman_ujian_tulis.pdf 1.32 MB 1500006026_denah_lokasi.pdf 0.09 MB [:id] PENGUMUMAN PESERTA UJIAN TULIS SELEKSI MAHASISWA PENERIMA BEASISWA BIDIKMISI TAHUN 2017 Nomor : B.3114/Un.10.0/R1/PP.00.9/09/2017  ...
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