November 17, 2017


[:en] ANNOUNCEMENT Number:  3875/Un.10.0/B.I/KP.00.1/11/2017   TEST SCHEDULE AND TEST LOCATION of FIELD COMPETENCY SELECTION (SKB) CIVIL SERVANT CANDIDATE (CPNS) MINISTRY OF RELIGION OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA 2017 in UIN WALISONGO SEMARANG   Following up the announcement by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number: P-64509 /...
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[:en] CIRCULAR LETTER Number : B-3825/Un.10.0/R3/PP.00.9/11/2017   Notified with respect, referring to the Decree Rector of UIN Walisongo on October 4, 2017 number 389, 2017 about Membership of Warranty National Health for students of UIN Walisongo Semarang, then expected to whole Students of UIN walisongo to be BPJS member. The procedures are attached.. [:id] SURAT EDARAN...
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