November 28, 2017


[:en]Jakarta – Walisongo State Islamic University was awarded as the best stand booth at the International Islamic Education Expo (IIEE) exhibition held by the Ministry of Religious Affairs on Friday (24/11). The award was given directly by Prof. Kamaruddin Amin, Director General of Islamic Education Ministry of Religious Affairs to Drs Haryana MM coordinator of...
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[:en] SEMARANG – Futsal team of TLB Solo succeeded to become the champion in the prestigious event of Futsal Tournament “Cup of Sunindyo Cup” of Central Java, held by Student Activity Unit (UKM) Tarbiyah Sport Club (TSC) together with UKM Saintek Sport UIN Walisongo, Wednesday (22/11). Located in the multipurpose building (GSG) UIN Walisongo at...
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