2nd International Art Creativity & Engineering Exhibition 2016

n order to increase the interest of students and lecturers in the field of science and technology development, the University Ubudiyah Indonesia will host the activities that the 2nd International Innovation I + ACEH 2016 (International Art Creativity & Engineering Exhibition) which is a routine agenda Ubudiyah University of Indonesia each year. This activity has been recognized by the world organization of invention that is the World Intellectual Property Invention Associations (WIPA) so that it can increase the participation diajang international achievement for students, Students and Lecturers. In the previous year this activity has been carried out and followed by 109 teams from Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, Canada and the United States.
In 2016, the event is divided into four (4) categories of the competition is “Telco, BioTech, Environment, Technology” and will be attended by participants from Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Bangladesh, Romania, Japan, Taiwan and Canada.
This activity will be held on:
Day / Date: July 20-21, 2016
Place: University of Indonesia Ubudiyah
Time: 08.00 – 18:00
Registration fee:
International participants: 140 USD
National & Local participants: 1,000,000
Internal Peserna (UUI): 700,000
Confirmation of registration and payment is made online via www.iplusaceh.uui.ac.id from february 15 2016.
COmmitte of 2nd I+ACEH 2016
Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia (UUI)
Jl Alue Naga Tibang, Kota Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Websites : www.iplusaceh.uui.ac.id
Email : iplusaceh[at]uui.ac.id
Tlfn : 085214000823, 085297802035

File Download :
16047750_ijcimbi-brosur_i+aceh_2016_a4_english.pdf 0.00 MB
1182008697_ijcimbi-brosur_i+aceh_2016_a4_ind1.pdf 0.00 MB

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