

[:en] ANNOUNCEMENT of CIVIL SERVANT CANDIDATE ACCEPTANCE STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY of WALISONGO SEMARANG BUDGET YEAR 2017 NUMBER: 3030/Un.10.0/R/KP.00.1/09/2017 Based on the Announcement from the Secretary General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenag RI) Number: P-56095 / SJ / B.II.2 / KP.00.1 / 09/2017, on 5th of September 2017 on...
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[:en] Semarang- UIN Walisongo ensured his determination as Integrity zone to be Corruption Free Area as well as Clean Bureaucracy area and Serving. The launching held in the local campus auditorium on Tuesday (5/9) at once the inaugural of 40 persons as Development of integrity Zone team and alteration agent UIN of Walisongo. The launching...
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[:en] Semarang – Islamic Practice Division (BAI) State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo distributed 900 bags of sacrificial animal meat to the poor faqir community around the campus of Ngaliyan and Tugu districts and boarding school around the campus. Head of Islamic Practice Division (BAI), KH. Ahmad Soleh, MAg said that the amount of meat came...
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[:en] ANNOUNCEMENT OF BIDIKMISI REGISTRATION YEAR 2017 Number: B.2927 / Un.10.0 / R1 / PP.00.9 / 08/2017 Notified to all new students of UIN Walisongo Semarang academic year 2017/2018 on Bidikmisi Registration beginning 4 – 9 September 2017 online through page by conditions attached File Download : 1387518724_pengumuman_bidikmisi_2017.pdf 0.67 MB [:id] PENGUMUMAN PENDAFTARAN BIDIKMISI...
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[:en] Head of regional military unit (Kasdam) IV Diponegoro, Brigadier General Sabrar Fadhilah invited students of the State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo to always keep the country. UIN Walisongo is an institution that plays a very strategic role in efforts to appear the cadres which have international quality, but it must continue to uphold the...
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[:en] File Download : 365229083_formulir_pendaftaran_guru_madrasah.pdf 0.36 MB 878258306_whatsapp_image_2017-08-24_at_16.13.17.jpeg 0.14 MB [:id] File Download : 365229083_formulir_pendaftaran_guru_madrasah.pdf 0.36 MB 878258306_whatsapp_image_2017-08-24_at_16.13.17.jpeg 0.14 MB [:]
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