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[:en] ANNOUNCEMENT Number:B-2134/Un.10.0/R/KP.02.3/05/2017     Based on selection of the last stage of candidate participants “Writing Book Unity of Sciences” on IsDB program Year 2017, then determined PARTICIPANTS with details as attached. File Download : 1830539535_pengumuman_seleksi_nominator_penulisan_buku_2017.pdf 0.53 MB [:id] PENGUMUMAN Nomor : B-2134/Un.10.0/R/KP.02.3/05/2017     Berdasarkan seleksi tahap terakhir calon peserta “Penulisan Buku Unity of Sciences”...
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[:en] ANNOUNCEMENT  Number:B-2032/Un.10.0/R1/KP.02.3/05/2017 Based on first stage selection of the candidates   “Book Writing of Unity of Sciences”   on the IsDB program   Year 2017, then determined NOMINATOR with details as attached File Download : 770319703_pengumuman_nominator_penulisan_buku_unity_of_sciences_2017.pdf 0.80 MB [:id] PENGUMUMAN  Nomor: B-2032/Un.10.0/R1/KP.02.3/05/2017 Berdasarkan seleksi tahap pertama calon peserta “Penulisan Buku Unity of Sciences” pada program IsDB Tahun...
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[:en]The Asia Foundation is releasing a call for applicants for its 2017 Asia Foundation Development Fellows: Emerging Leadership for Asia’s Future program. This will be the fourth cohort of this prestigious program, designed to engage and empower a dynamic community of emerging leaders from all over Asia. Applications will be accepted through November 21, 2016....
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[:en]Vacancies at SUDJONO & TARUNO CHARITY FOUNDATION One (1) caregiver / female tutor, and one (1) caregiver / male tutor at Sudjono & Taruno Charity Foundation, at least with a S-1 or religious D3 background (Alumni IAIN: Institute for Islamic Studies, Pontren, Islamic College, Ma’had , etc). For those interested in becoming a caregiver is...
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[:en]WRITING COMPETITION IKNB (NON-BANK FINANCIAL INDUSTRY) YEAR 2016 “Strengthening Non-Bank Financial Industry Sector Through Quality Setting and Innovation Products & Financial Services”[:id]LOMBA KARYA TULIS IKNB (INDUSTRI KEUANGAN NON BANK) TAHUN 2016 “Penguatan Sektor Industri Keuangan Non Bank melalui Pengaturan yang Berkualitas dan Inovasi Produk & Jasa Layanan Keuangan”[:]
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[:en]The Doctoral Program of Management Science of UNPAD Economics and Business Faculty will hold “International Conference on Islamic Economics, Management, Accounting, Business and Social Science (ICIEMABS)” 2016 on Wednesday and Thursday, 10-11 August 2016, Time: 07.30 – 17.00 WIB, Venue: Harmony One Hotel, Batam, Riau Archipelago. For more information Nur Choirul Afif (087821933030) and Farida...
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[:en]Through The Support to Quality Development of Islamic Higher Education Project with funding support from the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and Government of Indonesia (GoI) fiscal year 2016, UIN Walisongo invites you to participate in Doctoral Research, Visiting Professor and Non Degree Overseas Training[:id]Melalui The Support to Quality Development of Islamic Higher Education Project dengan...
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[:en]The Darul Qur’an Nusantara Foundation provides Tahfidz Qur’an Scholarship (BTQ) for Leaders Year 2016. This scholarship program is a scholarship program that builds human resources characterized by Daarul Qur’an as a cadre of dakwah tahfidzul Qur’an and community development.Terms and conditions please download the poster.[:id]Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo Semarang...
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[:en]Yayasan Darul Qur’an Nusantara menyediakan Beasiswa Tahfidz Qur’an (BTQ) for Leaders Tahun 2016. Program beasiswa ini merupakan program beasiswa yang membangun sumber daya manusia yang berkarakter Daarul Qur’an sebagai kader dakwah tahfidzul qur’an dan pengembangan masyarakat. Mengenai syarat dan ketentuannya silahkan download poster. File Download : 1528820995_poster_a3_btq_for_leader_final.pdf 0.98 MB[:id]Yayasan Darul Qur’an Nusantara menyediakan Beasiswa Tahfidz...
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[:en]Based on Regulation of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 3 of 2016 on the Appointment of non-civil servant (PNS) Lecturer for State Religious University College, and the Decision of the Director General of Islamic Education No. 844 of 2016 on Guidelines Procedures for Appointment of Non-PNS Lecturers of PTKIN, then STAIN Al Fatah Jayapura...
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