Mahasiswa UIN Walisongo Juara II Debat antar mahasiswa se-Indonesia 2017


Semarang – A team of student of Walisongo State Islamic University won second prize of student debate competition in Indonesia 2017. The competition held at IPB Convention Center Bogor on Thursday (28/9) was held in the framework of World Right to Know Day that falls on the same date.

The three UIN Walisongo students are Maulana Hasanuddin (5th semester / Legal Science), Anisa Nindia Hayati (5th semester / Legal Science), Akhmad Arif Khoerudin (5th semester / Legal Science) and Brilyian Erna Wati, SH. M. Hum.

UIN Walisongo team drove in the final losing the difference of 0.06 points with UGM Jogjakarta. Previously they had to compete against 15 teams from universities all over Indonesia.
In the semifinal round UIN Walisongo against UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, while UGM faced with University of Indonesia.

“In the grand final round, UIN Walisongo team brought the motion of direct broadcast controversy in the trial. There are 12 themes of debate such as the secret State RU motion, live broadcast in court, related to public information disclosure, etc., “said Maulana.
He added that the UIN team did not expect to pass the final, this is because the preparations made suddenly, the discussion of the motions only one day preparation. “I hope the next year of preparation must be far in advance,” the 5th semester student.

Rector of UIN Walisongo Prof. Dr. Muhibbin said if this achievement is proud, and hope the next year bias the first winner. “We need to learn more, work hard to get the champion at the national and international level,” he said.

Rector will give appreciation in the form of intensive coaching to the winning team. “We hope there is a campus cadre so that this debate team has a generation, I hope UIN campus always prints the champion cadres,” he said.

Public information disclosure is the theme of the debate motions raised in this competition. This competition, therefore, also serves as an indicator of how much students’ understanding of the issue, including the legislation and practices at the university level.


Semarang – Tim mahasiswa Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo meraih juara II lomba debat antarmahasiswa se-Indonesia 2017. Lomba yang digelar di IPB Convention Center Bogor, Kamis (28/9) tersebut diadakan dalam rangka Hari Hak untuk Tahu Sedunia yang jatuh pada tanggal yang sama.

Tiga mahasiswa UIN Walisongo tersebut yaitu Maulana Hasanuddin (Semester 5/Ilmu Hukum), Anisa Nindia Hayati, (Semester 5/Ilmu Hukum), Akhmad Arif Khoerudin (Semester 5/Ilmu Hukum) dan pembimbing Brilyian Erna Wati, SH. M.Hum.

Tim UIN Walisongo melaju di final kalah selisih poin 0.06 dengan UGM Jogjakarta. Sebelumnya mereka harus bersaing melawan 15 tim dari perguruan tinggi se-Indonesia.

Pada babak semi final UIN Walisongo melawan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, sementara UGM berhadapan dengan Universitas Indonesia.

“Dalam babak grand final, tim UIN Walisongo membawakan mosi kontroversi siaran langsung di persidangan. Ada 12 tema perdebatan diantaranya mosi RU rahasia Negara, siaran langsung dalam persidangan, terkait keterbukaan informasi public, dll,” ujar Maulana.

Ia menambahkan bahwa tim UIN gak nyangka kalo lolos final, hal ini karena persiapan yang dilakukan mendadak, pembahasan mosi hanya persiapan satu hari. “Saya berharap tahun berikutnya persiapannya harus jauh-jauh hari sebelumnya,” mahasiswa semester 5 tersebut.

Rektor UIN Walisongo Prof Dr Muhibbin Mag mengatakan, bahwa prestasi ini sudah membanggakan, dan berharap tahun berikutnya bias juara satu. “Kita perlu belajar lebih banyak lagi, bekerja keras agar bias meraih juara di level nasional maupun internasional,” ujarnya.

Rektor akan memberikan apresiasi berupa pembinaan intensif kepada tim yang juara. “Kami berharap ada pengkaderan di kalangan kampus agar tim debat ini punya generasi, Saya berharap kampus UIN selalu mencetak kader-kader juara,” katanya.

Keterbukaan informasi publik memang menjadi tema dari mosi debat yang diangkat dalam kompetisi ini. Karena itu kompetisi ini, turut menjadi indikator seberapa jauh pemahaman mahasiswa mengenai isu tersebut, termasuk mengenai peraturan perundang-undangan serta praktiknya di tingkat perguruan tinggi.


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